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Old 03-30-2004, 01:16 AM
MadGoat MadGoat is offline
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T-bird wont go over 105mph

I just got a 94 t-bird lx, and I drove it home from my dad's house in Cali back down to Arizona. Well on the way I figured I would see how fast it would go, I floored the sucker and flew down the highway... seemed nice until it hit 105. It kicks out at 105 and wont go faster, I feels like it has a speed govern on it.. (which I know for a fact that It doesnt)...

It loses power and goes down to 100 were I then have power again. Though I know the revs on the engine dont go up, I figured if the tranny was slipping it would allow the engine to rev high, though it doesnt do that. Im very confused.

Any Ideas?


Last edited by MadGoat; 03-30-2004 at 02:52 AM.
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