Statistics for 79 Town Landau?

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Sanitarium 73

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2003
Hamilton, Ohio
Does anyone know know the staistics for a 1979 Ford T-bird Town Landau? I am seeking things like 0-60 times, curb weight, 1/4 mile times, anything like that. And also, how many Town Landau cars were built in 1979? Thanks!

All this time I thought there were no production number breakouts for the 3 various trim levels... Base, Town, and Heritage. I have never seen acceleration figures for these cars but I would think the 302's are a bit pokey. As far as weight, you just gotta scale 'em because published figures always seem inaccurate.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate it. I have not been able to find out anything except that TL's weigh about 4,250 lbs minus driver. I assume they all weigh this much because that is how much mine weighs.

Wheelbase - 114"
Curb weight - 4028 lbs!
Length - 217.7"
width - 78.5"
height 52.8"
Steering ratio - 21.9 to 1 (Ewwww!)
Rear axle gear - 2.50 to 1 (eeeek!)
Weight distribution - 57%f/43%r
Compression ratio - 8.4 to 1 (302) 8.3 to 1 (351)
Horsepower 302=134 351=152

A total of 284,141 birds were made in 79. of that 208,248 were built in Chicago, and 75,893 were built in Los Angeles. There were also 1752 built in the great white canadian north.

I have no 0 to 60 times or standing 1/4 times....

hope this at least helps
T-Bird comparisons

Years ago a remember reading a book that had various car comparisons. One of them was a '78 Bird against a '78 Monte Carlo. They did compare ride, performance, braking etc. Unfortunately I don't remember too many details and I can't remember the name of the book. Maybe somebody else does. But I have some dealer literature comparing '78 T-Birds to other models, I think a '78 Regal. It's loose leaf material that they had in binders in the dealers to compare stuff like standard equipment, size etc. I have it at home. I'll see if I can scan it. Anybody interested? LOL.
I am very interested! I realize that as of now, my 79 is no hot rod...(I honestly believe that our 94 Crown Vic is faster...) but I would still like to know how my favorite model of cars stacked up against others of that era. If you figure it out, I woulkd love to see it!
