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Old 03-22-2004, 06:01 PM
shrps74 shrps74 is offline
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Originally Posted by bigbrownbird
i'm down from the 77-79 forum, but i have been working my way through college with oil changes, for the first 2 years doing them, and the last year just selling them. The reason ford went with 5w20 is because the clearances are tighter on these newer engines. My friend who is a service manager at a ford dealership informed me of that tidbit of info. If you use a heavier weight, such as 5w30 or heavier, ont only will it void the warranty, you take a risk of cooking your new engine! I agree, 10w30 is what i run in my old vheicles, but if I did have a newer ford, I'd make sure to fun the required 5w20. Most major oil brands have it on the market now.
I hope I helped you out.

Sorry, but if that were the case no oil would work, as tolerances cannot be that "close". If they were, you'd fry your engine anyway (ie. metal to metal). Once engines heat up, they need that viscosity to "cling" to the close tolerance parts (ie. rod/crank bearings). My wife's 02 went to the Ford dealer for the 5000 mile service, I told them to use 10w-30. They said fine. Don't want to start an argument with my first post, but do you do you actually think they would have used 10w-30 if it voided the warranty at a Ford Dealer??? BobG in VA
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