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Old 03-12-2004, 02:34 PM
marine165 marine165 is offline
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axle outer bearing retainer plates

I was working on my axles the other night, pressing the old bearings off and putting new ones on, and I bent up the bearing retainer plate on one side.
I called all the local parts stores and they didn't sell replacement parts. I even called the local ford dealer, and the parts manager told me that the part was no longer availible from Ford.
Does anybody (Gearworks, probably, 'cause you're the axle guy) either have any of these parts that they'd be willing to sell, or know of any place that sells replacement parts? I know Moser, for instance, has bearing retainer plates, but they don't look anything like what came off my axle. And they look like they're designed to come off around the bearing, so they wouldn't be worth a damn for keeping crud out of the ball bearings.
Lemme know any thoughts/experiences/suggestions on the topic!


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