Thread: C4 to AOD swap
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Old 03-11-2004, 12:40 PM
marine165 marine165 is offline
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Originally Posted by bigbrownbird
First off, find a AOD flywheel with the correct balance (the 79 302 has a 28 oz. balance and factory AOD flexplates are 50 oz. I found mine off Ebay, B&M has them as well).
Soooooooo... okay. Bear with me while I work through my sudden attack of stupid.

What you're saying is that my 351W has the 28.8 oz. balance currently on it, and I need to get a replacement flywheel with the 50 oz. balance in order for the transmission to work without shaking itself apart. Is that right?

Just making double sure before I go and do something dumb. :)

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