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Old 05-12-2003, 03:42 PM
sc1956 sc1956 is offline
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Location: marietta, ga
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RE: Brake Switch. If you didn't find the switch (round, 2 leads coming off of it), then there's probably a plug in it's place. It's in a brass block that takes input from the master and diverts it front and rear. If you're not showing the car, I'd install CASCO's electric/mechanical switch. It's much more reliable, takes 10 minutes, and won't require bleeding your brakes.

RE: Dash light. It's completely separate. The dash light has two possible inputs, one from the door switches, and one from a constant power supply to the little switch on the map light itself. Both pig-tail into the positive terminal on the lamp, so when either is +12V, the lamp lights. There's also a bonding wire to the dash so it grounds. It is completely unrelated. I'd check the fuse on the backside of your headlight switch, and then check the bulb itself.

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