Thread: C4 to AOD swap
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Old 02-25-2004, 11:13 PM
bigbrownbird bigbrownbird is offline
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bigbrownbird is on a distinguished road
I did this with my Dad's 79 bird. It is too simple! Dad's 79 had an FMX and 302, so go off those measurements. First off, find a AOD flywheel with the correct balance (the 79 302 has a 28 oz. balance and factory AOD flexplates are 50 oz. I found mine off Ebay, B&M has them as well). The Thunderbird Mount worked with the tranny and no crossmember had to be moved. Plumb new tranny lines, build a bracket for the shifter cable (if you're using the colulm shift, my bracket took me a piece of scrap of angle iron and about 5 minuites to build.) Finally, take the AOD tanny Yoke with your stock driveshaft, take it to a driveshaft shop and have them find a u-joint with two caps of the AOD size and two of the driveshaft size. You don't need to shorten or lengthen the driveshaft, it is too easy. However, don't do like I did, and drive the car without the VERY CRUTIAL TV rod, without it, you'll toast the tranny in no time flat. Best of luck, hope I helped, and let me know how it goes.

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