frame coming off

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Dec 9, 2002
Prescott, AZ
I am new to this forum, would like some comments. I recently acquired a 57 Bird from the original owner. No rust, no dents, always garaged. I have the engine and interior out. I intend to take the frame out using a method I've used several times in the past with sedans, which is to remove the rear suspension, block the car on the sills wheelwell to wheelwell and roll the frame out through the front. I've never done this with an open car and am wondering if there is danger of the rear sagging. I could make a brace to put under the rear.
Also this car was "undercoated" from the dealer and is terrible stuff. I plan to eitheer dip the frame or have it blasted, I would like some advice on this, and also what to do with the underbody undercoating.
Thanks in advance.
Why would you remove the rear suspension? You can remove the body mount bolts and lift the body off the frame. It is advisable to make braces that replace the doors to prevent damage caused by the body bending at the rocker panels.
A distance of 34" from floor to bottom of rocker panel, will allow plenty of room to roll an assembled chassis (minus engine & transmission) out the back of the car.

Dipping a body or sandblasting it to remove undercoating is something I've never considered. If you have used either method in the past, and you're comfortable with it; go for it. Seems like a lot of undercoatng that was applied at the factory, would have to be replaced before paintng.


Edit: Make sure the radiator support is securely supported along with the body when it is off the frame. That is one of the reasons the chassis is rolled out the back of the car.

[ 12-12-2002: Message edited by: nomadbird ]
There were some informative threads on this subject about a year ago. Go to the "search" function at the top of this page and enter "body off". This might help you get started.

I have removed the body from my 56, and recommend the following: Make a cross brace using flat metal welded to square tubing to brace the body from the front brace mounts in the center of the body below the firewall area, to the soft top mounting plates. I use a come-along with nylon straps and use eye hooks at 6 body mounting locations. You can balance the body and raise it up easily. Roll the chassis out from under the body, with enough height, you can leave the drive train in the chassis. I built a rolling body dolly out of angle iron and square tubing. Make a bed frame with the square tubing uprights with threaded rod to catch about 8 to 10 body mountings. You can raise and lower the body, and roll it around the shop. The painted body can be installed on the completed chassis in the same fahion. Do all structural body work before removing the body, and dont forget to log your shims and put them back the same way.