Rough Idle after braking at a light

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Feb 11, 2004
What's Up everybody my T-Bird's check engine light has come on. Its actually been on for about 5months, and whenever I am driving and brake, the car shudders. Sometimes it does this when idling but rarely. Also If I put the car in reverse the dash flashes and its as if the car shuts off for 1/2 a second. Other than that, the car runs great....but my mileage has been about 275 miles after fill up. I don't know if this is normal. I feel like I used to get about 300. HELP PLEASE!!!

The car is a 1995 T-Bird 3.8 LX 146,000miles. Head Gaskets have been replaced. Car has run great since then last year.
Could be as simple as a dirty spark plug or bad spark plug wire.

Why haven't you had the codes read? The check engine light will give you the answers........
Places other than Ford dealerships will scan the codes for anywhere from free (AutoZone) to around $20 - $30 dollars - Midas, Monroe muffler)

With the check engine light being on for 5 months, you could be making the situation worse, and more expensive to reapir, than if you address it right away.
AHicks324 said:
im gonna get those codes scanned ASAP thanks

ok got codes scanned, the codes were for the MAF sensor, got it replaced, light is now gone, and so is the bad idle.