Sure.. You will need to remove the lower dash panel on the passenger side. Then disconnect the RH air cable and remove the seven screws that hold the heater box cover in place. If you are lucky, someone may have left out two screws that secure the core to the heater box near the firewall. In that case, you will remove the hoses from the heater core (under the hood) and remove two screws holding the core to the heater box and out comes the core. If, however, all four screws holding the core to the heater box are present, you should remove the heater box from the car by removing two nuts on the front of the firewall above and below the heater hose locations and remove four nuts that will be found behind the recirculate air door around the blower opening. You also disconnect the hose for the recirculate air vacuum motor. You can probably figure out reassembly.. Fordman