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  #7 (permalink)   IP:
Old 01-12-2004, 05:34 PM
Yoda Yoda is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: New Roads, LA
Posts: 66
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Yoda is on a distinguished road
Seems I was a bit more lucky. Took my car to the exhaust shop with all the new mainfold parts in hand and was expecting a several hour job. Got a call in less than an hour to pick it up. Turns out the nuts holding the tailpipe to the manifold were stripped and the shop owner replaced them for free. I'm sure I'll have to still do the manifold gaskets at some point, but I did buy a little more time. Although I'm under 60k, I'm sure the gaskets won't hold out for too much longer based on age, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
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