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Old 12-15-2003, 10:19 PM
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boogity24 boogity24 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
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Weird noises and actions

My Thunderbird has a problem. went i start her up she kinda coughs and studders and once in a while starts making loud pops like its backfiring. you have to almost put your foot on the floor to get it to start, but other times its fine. when i am sitting a a stop light, i have to shift into neutral, and give it a little gas to keep it running. if you let it shut off then it will run like crap all day until you "put your foot in its ass" and then it still may have a miss every 4-5 seconds. could someone tell me how to make it idle??
1994 Ford Thunderbird 4.6L :dup
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