Thread: Gas gauge
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Old 11-17-2003, 10:27 AM
neill neill is offline
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Lightbulb Gas Gauge

Originally Posted by yellowbird429
The gague on my '69 only went up to 3/4 also; the explanation I got from most is also what I suspected, the arm on the float gets gunked up and can't float all the way to the top of the tank. I haven't dropped the tank yet, and now my gague only reads up to 1/16
I would agree with the float problem i have recently removed my tank and relined it (restored ) it and cleaned out a ton of junk which has found its way in like a foot long piece of hose where someone tried to syphon out fuel and let it drop in the tank, after all how much muck and rubbish do you think can find its way into your tank after 34 years?. Th efloat was in good condition but you can buy replacement ones

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