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Old 11-15-2003, 12:10 AM
Yoda Yoda is offline
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Yoda is on a distinguished road
Vacuum canister issues

I just finished replacing a bunch of vacuum hoses under the hood of my 65 convertible and I was wondering about the two canisters. There is one to the right of the passenger hood hinge and one to the right of the transistorized ignition.

From searching old posts, it sounds like the one by the hinge is to boost/regulate the power door locks, but what is the one by the transistorized ignition for? It has one very small hose and one larger hose. The larger hose has some sort of small filter just past the canister connection. When I pulled the hose off the small filter, I found that it was clogged with a tar-like substance. Any idea what causes this and if the filter is a readily available part? It also seems that the metal tube used to connect the smaller hose was broken off at some point in the past and then affixed back to the cannister with some sort of putty. Any suggestions on how to remedy this?

Thanks in advance.
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