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  #16 (permalink)   IP:
Old 11-14-2003, 09:50 PM
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65tbirdconv 65tbirdconv is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Cincy, Ohio
Age: 56
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65tbirdconv is on a distinguished road
I sold off a 93 Grand Marq (wish I had kept it) that had 241k on it when I sold it. It burned oil at a good click, quart about every 1500 miles but otherwise it ran WELL. Motor tight, quiet, no noises. Was on orig trans, 2nd water pump, second alt, everything else was ORIG! I should have kept it. If you keep the oil changed, hell , all the fluid changed they will run ya awhile. You WILL burn oil eventually, its the NORM with these 4.6's.
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