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Old 11-14-2003, 05:50 PM
Ralph78 Ralph78 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Bakersfield California
Age: 80
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Need New Sources

Originally Posted by Hazards
ours has 95k, its a 94 4.6. what ive heard from lots of diff sources about castrol is that its a blend of all the other oil that has been left after bottling. and the synthetic is not synthetic, it is high grade regular oil, as there are no gov restrictions on saying your oil is synthetic whether it is or not.
Hazards, you sure need new "Sources". Castrol is a very high quality oil. In tests the 20-50 holds it's viscosity better at high temperature than any of the other 12-15 name brands tested. This test was a few years ago in Circle Track Mag. or Stock Car Racing Mag. I notice that in my Dirt Track Super Stock, the oil pressure at the end of a race on a 100 F evening in Bakersfield or Victorville is 5 PSI higher when I use Castrol 20-50, than with Valvoline, Penzoil or Quaker State 20-50. For Syn. Oil. "Mobil 1" is the only way to go, it performs just as well as the special racing oils at twice the price. My engine for next season will be "clearenced" to run the thinner Mobil 1, and still give me the oil pressure I want at the end of a long race. I hate to spend the money on Mobil 1, because racing on dirt/clay tracks, the oil and filter MUST be changed every two racing events maximum, but the reduced risk of internal damage due to running hot (radiator blocked from clay off the track) makes it worth it.

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