Thread: Harsh 1-2 Shift
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Old 11-14-2003, 08:58 AM
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Rolling-Thunder Rolling-Thunder is offline
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The 1994 4r70w tranny had a defective 1-2 spring and accumulator design.

They have since been upgraded. You should have this checked, as one of two things usually happen;

1. The spring can break and chew up the finish on the bore.

2. The 1-2 piston material will fail, and score the bore also.

This can be serviced by removing the pan.

Also, the MLPS (also called the Neutral Safety Switch, and also called the Transmission Range Sensor) has been upgraded as well. Might as well replace that, too.

You are looking at around $90 in parts, and about 1 hour max. on the labor, if nothing has been damaged.
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