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Old 11-11-2003, 09:19 PM
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Rolling-Thunder Rolling-Thunder is offline
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Originally Posted by Birdman93

Lots of issues with that later tranny.
There are a few things you can do to improve the life of the 4r70w tranny, which is what is in the 94's and up.

1. Flush out ALL the old tranny fluid, and switch over to MerconV (Ford TSB advises this to cure TC shudder)

2. Install an auxillary tranny cooler. (Heat is the enemy here)

3. Upgrade the 1-2 accumulator and springs. (94 & 95's were problematic)

4. Replace the MLPS (94 & 95's were problematic)

5. Install a 96 or newer tranny pan and filter. (this has a deep sump in it)

NOTE: 96 and newer tranny's are improved over the 94 & 95

6. Modify the tranny per the Tech Articles over at
These modifications were reccomended by the Ford engineer that helped design the tranny.

Not to argue, but the 4.6 is leaps and bounds better than 5.0
4.6's have run routinely up to 200,000 and 300,000 miles.
There are plenty of Ford and aftermarket performance parts available to increase the horsepower of the motor.

One of the newly discovered upgrades is to swap in a 2002 Ford Explorer motor.
This all aluminum setup offers way more horsepower, and is lighter than a PI'd motor.
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