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Old 11-02-2003, 07:01 PM
Joe Van Datta Joe Van Datta is offline
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Location: Burlingame, Ca.
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Originally Posted by videosteve
Hi, new owner here of a 66 Landau. It's in great shape with a few minor repairs needed. This forum if fabuluous! Glad y'all are doing this. Today in an effort to verify correct timing I discovered what appears to be intermittent spark to plug #1. I tested the plug wire by swapping the #1 wire with one I knew was good. Same result: the timing light showed intermittent flashes, not the consistent ones generated by smooth idling. I checked the timing light by checking all the other plug wires: all tested fine with consistent, steady flashes. My question is: is this a problem with the distributor? If so, what recommendations to repair and how? Stephen in Raleigh, NC.
Sounds like the problem might be in the distributer cap, ck . for continuity from number one on the cap to the plug wire.
You should definitely tie down the coil.
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