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  #2 (permalink)   IP:
Old 11-02-2003, 10:06 AM
Birdman93 Birdman93 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Iowa
Age: 64
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Birdman93 is on a distinguished road
First off, check the VIN to make sure that the engine code on the VIN and the engine match. Z is the 390, Q is the 428.

Then, you should have a tag on the engine itself that has 5 sets of numbers on it. The tag can be found under the coil attaching bolt.

There are 3 sets on the top row:

The first number is engine CID-second number is model year-third number is change level(determines if parts are peculiar to a specific engine)

Along the bottom row will be year and month of production, and the engine code number, which serves the same function as the change level.

This will be as far as you can go in matching the engine to the car-if you have the build sheet for your car, you should be able to determine if the engine is original from the build sheet and the tag.
If the car next to you has a blue oval on the trunklid, tread lightly!
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