Idle problems

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Well-known member
May 16, 2002
Plainwell, Michigan
When my '55 is at slow idle (500rpm) it is very smooth running (cold engine) but when I bring the rpm's up a bit it runs very rough. When on the road at a steady speed it again runs quite rough but when I accelerate it is very smooth. I dont know if I have carb. problems or electrical. I have installed new plugs, condensor, plug wires etc. and have checked for moisture in the distributor, but still have the above problem. I dont know what else to check????
=====Wild Guess # 1======
As the engine speed is increasing, the breaker plate in the distributor will pivot. Is it possible that this movement is causing either the condenser lead or the coil lead to short out on the distributor body? How about the short ground wire from the plate to the distributor body; is it secure? As you can see, I'm starting with the cheap, easy stuff.

Tom D.

[ 08-24-2003: Message edited by: nomadbird ]
Wires and plugs would be my bet, followed by very poor valve lash on one or more cylinders. Have you tried pulling wires from the distributor one at a time to see which one doesn't affect a change?
I did a compression test and all of the cylinders come in at only 65-70#. Maybe this could be my problem. The only answer to the thing is probably one I dont want to hear!!!! Any oil (gas) additives that I might try, or do these things make things worse. I have added Marvel Mystery Oil to the gas for the valves as one fella told me this was what he uses in his old cars????
It sounds like I need to start saving $$$$ for an overhaul. I was hoping that it wouldnt come to that but Iam not surprized.
I appreciate all the advice from everybody.
One thing about it is if you get a reconditioned short block you can transfer all the stuff you've bought to it. Do you have any idea how many miles are on the engine you have, my bet is there are many.
I had compression in the 80's when I bought the thing, and after setting valves had 130. A valve job later and I've got 160.
The speedo says 75,500 and the car doesnt look like it has any more than that. The alternative is that it has 175,500, but overall I dont think so. How much of a job is it to set the valves? Sounds like I should try that first. If that doesnt fix the problem where do I look for a short block?
To determine whether the rings or valves are at fault, squirt the equivalent of a spoonful of heavy oil into the combustion chamber. Crank the engine to distribute the oil.
Repeat the compression test. The oil will temporarily seal the leakage past rings. If the comp. remains the same the rings are okay but the valves are leaking. If the comp. increases substantially there is leakage past the rings.
Good luck,
To get the best instructions for valve lash adjustment, goto Google, and search for valve lash Walt. You'll get a good instruction.