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  #2 (permalink)   IP:
Old 10-22-2003, 03:08 PM
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: MD
Posts: 13
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TWYZTEDGT is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by DreamcastSi
Hey there y'all. I bought an 86 aerobird recently (July) and noticed that the engine doesnt pull. My original thouhgt was to sell it and go buy something a little faster. My last car was a turbo DSM, so it was a big downgrade. Then I foud out about the Tbird Turbocoupe. Now my question. My car has the 3.6 V6 carb'd, power steering, power brakes, windows, locks, driver seat. A/C, no ABS, 3 spd auto. What I want to do is put an 88 4cyl injected turbo engine in there w/ a 5 spd tranny. Is this posible with the current mounts? I miss the pull so bad... I need a car that can at last pull itself up a mountainside... Anyway, thx in advance for any info.


it *should be a basic swap, because the cars are the same. your car won't have a posi rear like the turbo-coupes, or the rear disc brakes. It would probably be cheaper to just drive the 86 for a while, save your money, and just buy a turbo-coupe.
R.I.P. my 87 Mustang GT

~-~88 Thunderbird~-~
v-6, auto.
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