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  #6 (permalink)   IP:
Old 04-28-2003, 02:34 PM
nomadbird nomadbird is offline
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Traverse City, Mi. USA
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nomadbird is on a distinguished road


You are ahead of the game by having the w/s already installed. What you do now, is take fairly crisp dollar bills and close them in the door all along the weatherstrip path. With the door closed tightly, you should be able to remove the bills from outside the car with some resistance, but not too much drag where the bill would be inclined to tear. (Boy, this really looks dumb in print) Where you feel too much resistance when pulling on the bill, that's where you want to do some artful trimming. Yes, trimming on the surface that is glued against the door will yield the best looking results.

Ignore my original post that specified the areas that should be trimmed. Those were for Ford W/S. Using the dollar bill pulling procedure will indicate areas to be trimmed. This procedure is recommended by refrigerator manufacturers for leveling refrgerators and checking to see the box isn't tweaked.

Don't let the neighbors see you doing this; they'll question your sanity! Tom
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