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Old 10-08-2003, 12:17 PM
Rick22056 Rick22056 is offline
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Location: Newburyport, MA
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Post Glitches in my new 1997 TBird

About a month ago I replaced my dead 1988 Black Thunderbird with a 1997 Black Thunderbird Limited Edition V-8. I love her dearly but have found a few glitches that I hope the forum can help me fix.

1. Sometimes the key won't come out of the ignition. While it must be normal with this car (it has a couple of lines in the manual dealing with it, but those suggestions don't always work), it's aggravating and I wonder if anyone has come up with any tricks to make it easier to get the key out.

2. Check engine light comes on and stays on. My mechanic has found no codes when he hooks it up, and the light goes out then. But it comes back on later and stays on again. It may be speed related. The last time it came on it had been out for over a week and seemed to come on when I was on the highway and hit about 75mph. I had driven for an hour at 70mph earlier in the day without it coming on. It has been on ever since. Anyone know how to put the light back out without taking it to a mechanic?

3. It came with two remote starters/door openers that weren't working. The guy I bought it from said that the batteries were probably dead, but new batteries have had no effect. Any ideas for getting them to work?

I think that's all for now. Any help would be much appreciated.

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