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Old 10-02-2003, 09:22 PM
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Rolling-Thunder Rolling-Thunder is offline
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Torque converter shudder is what I mentioned in my above post. MerconV is the fix.

Do not buy any valve body recalibration kits, without knowing what they do exactly.
Most "shift kits" will hurt your tranny.

Your MLPS, as I mentioned above, is probably OK. They did improve the design of them in 96 and up tranny's

LASTLY, spend some time over at

In the Technical Articles, transmission section, read the first article. It was written by one of the engineer's that designed the transmission in our cars.

And lastly, don't mess with the tranny till you've read up on it. I have 193,500 miles on mine, and it has never needed a rebuild.

Good Luck with yours !!

EDIT: The IAC valve controls your idle rpm only. It can become dirty with time. They can be cleaned, but it is not recommended by Ford. They only advise replacing them.

TCCoA has pictures of it posted in the forums section. Use the search feature there.

Another rough running culprit can be the MAF sensor. That can be cleaned, with careful study beforehand, at TCCoA.

Hope this helps............

[ 10-02-2003: Message edited by: Rolling-Thunder ]
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