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Old 01-28-2002, 02:57 PM
Brian Brian is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Cleveland Ohio
Posts: 94
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Brian is on a distinguished road

Yes - all the biscuits and spacers are laid out in a grid right now; I'll be making sure I mic all the shims, and locate everything permanently so that I don't forget where they go.

I'm going to be prepping the frame for re-installation of the body: Stripping away all unnecessary hardware (brake lines, etc.)

Then I'll be steaming and scraping to get a very clean frame. All that will be left will be the minimum front end rolling gear and rear end rolling gear.

Next I'll be making sure all of the body bolt areas are usable - I already have two studs broken, as I mentioned. This will involve checking for any frame cracks, chasing threads, checking mounting nuts, and so forth.

My body guy wants a well prepped frame to reinstall the body, and cut in all the new body parts.

Once he splices in all new body parts, he'll keep the body on a rotisserie, and I'll be completely dissassembling the frame.

My goal is that shiny black frame laying on the garage floor, which begins the "putting together" phase instead of the "taking apart" phase!

[ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: Brian ]
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