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  #5 (permalink)   IP:
Old 05-18-2002, 01:04 PM
Weston B. Weston B. is offline
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I have owned an 89 for over 8 years and the radio head unit need to be refurbished or replaced. Mine did what yours is doing twice until I Relace the head with an aftermarket CD pioneer unit. Wholesale cost was $60 5 years ago. I might just go ahead and get a nice new one if I were you. Remember the AMP is separate when you purchace a new receiver and CD or cassette player. If your new T-Bird is a 3.8 watch the head gaskets if it around 100,000+ miles or so. I have upgraded all the suspention and powertrain on mine so if you have anything specific you would like to ask--I will try to answer it for you. Good luck and enjoy.
Waban ;)
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