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Old 04-23-2003, 11:15 PM
nomadbird nomadbird is offline
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Traverse City, Mi. USA
Posts: 197
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nomadbird is on a distinguished road


It's a gift even at $200.
You most definitely want both volumes consisting of Text and the other of Illustrations. Here is an example of why I say that: today I looked up the 4001683 part you referenced in the Illustrations book. When I went to the Text volume to learn about other applications for this part; There was a notation to use B5A 70001683-A and "cut to fit". The B5A 7001683-A is a '55-'56 car application. So you see, the Illustrations volume shows what you should have, but the Text volume will list superseding part numbers and application info.

No matter which media or source of supply you choose; these books will pay for themselves.

Good Find! Tom D.
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