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Old 08-16-2003, 01:00 PM
Mickey D Mickey D is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Hernando, MS
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Mickey D is on a distinguished road

I realize it has been well over a year since you posted this request, however asuming you haven't gotten discouraged with it I know you are still in search of. If factory molding is what your looking for , you may try a place called Green Sales in Columbus, OH. They service only obsolete Ford Parts. The T-Bird is not a very popular car during this era so your choices are very limited. They nor anyone else in the world has all of the moldings. However, I had this same problem and created a solution for it. I was completely frustrated after talking to numerous rude people with no desire to help me. I made my own. I took a pice of the molding and made a fiberglass mold. With this mold I was able to duplicate the exact molding, apply a gel coat and attach to my car. BEAUTIFUL! If you still have an interest I would be more than willing to accomodate you. Mickey D
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