Originally posted by mike b:
I have a 1986 Turbo Coupe that will shut down for no reason while driving and then come back alive. Some times I will go out and try to start it in the morning and it will not. Come back a few hours or a day later and it will start fine. I have spend a good amount of money on parts and mechanics and nothing has helped.
There is a TSB out on these for an updated TFI wire harness connecter to the distributer.My buddy had an 83 that would do the same thing and this fixed it.He also replaced the hall effects switch inside the distibuter.Also hard starts on the turbo 2.3 are due to oil build up in throttlebody and the intake plenums.I cleaned mine out and it doesn't die or start hard any more.
[ 11-25-2002: Message edited by: karnage ]