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  #6 (permalink)   IP:
Old 05-02-2002, 05:41 AM
2-77s, 1-85, 2-86 TCs 2-77s, 1-85, 2-86 TCs is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Jonesburg, MO
Age: 45
Posts: 118
Rep Power: 35
2-77s, 1-85, 2-86 TCs is on a distinguished road

Mike, here's what I'd do. Go to That'd be the best move you could make right now. I'm on that forum, and I just picked up my TC, too, in February. I'm still learning, so instead of me just telling you what I THINK, go there and ask them, so they can tell you what they KNOW. That's your best bet, to be totally honest with you. I wish you luck and hope to see you over there soon. Remember, it's:

Good luck!!!

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