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Old 03-29-2002, 02:14 AM
Dirtyturbobird Dirtyturbobird is offline
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Post 88TC boost problem

Ok I dont know what the hell is wrong with it but, when you get on it in my car it only boost up to like 9-10psi and when it gets around 4,900 -5k rpms its like it almost stops picking up speed and sort of sputters, and wont really pick up speed. And you can hear a noiserom the turbo like a leaking sound blowing from the turbo. Im not sure if its a hole in the line or if the intercooler is coming out of the rubber hoses a little bit and leaking,But if I turn the premium switch off its still slow but doesn't really sputter. Barley pills a wheel. But the engine runs fine idles perfect revs up real good in neutral. If any body knows anything that might help I would greatly appreciate it. THanks keith
The pace maker for the heart beat
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