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Old 04-22-2003, 06:13 PM
nomadbird nomadbird is offline
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Location: Traverse City, Mi. USA
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nomadbird is on a distinguished road


The short answer to your question re: availability of Parts Books like mine: "dunno". But as you can tell from Ken's dialog, there are some condensed "knock-offs" available from the parts dealers. Examples: Larry's Thunderbird has their p/n TLT 9 (page 125 in their catalog) for $9.95. CASCO has p/n EPD shown in their catalog on page 25, for $20.00. I have never seen either of these books, so I don't know if they're good, bad, or indifferent.

We still need a thread on the availability of printed materials required during a restoration.


P.S. The books I have cover '49-'59 Fords. There are two books in the set consisting of over 900 pages each. They are a total of 4" thick. The Form Number I posted yesterday is the official Ford identification number that appears on the bottom of the spine and the lower left corner of the cover. Mine are the 1964 edition. I bought two new sets in '74.

[ 04-22-2003: Message edited by: nomadbird ]
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