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Old 10-17-2001, 02:50 AM
dj norecords dj norecords is offline
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Post My service light keeps coming on.......

I have a 1987 T-Bird LX with a 5.0 V8 and recently the service engine light, located right below the speedometer on the electronic dash has been coming on. It's quite strange. When I turn on the engine it lights up, but when I keep driving for about 20 minutes, it turns off, and then when I stop the car and turn the engine back on again, the service light comes right back on. My Dad says that the light is just a warning light that suggests servicing the engine every couple thousand miles, and that it's nothing to worry about, since we just had the T-Bird serviced from top to bottom (from oil to engine, to brakes, etc.) Is it really something that I should be worried about? Anyone know anything about this? Any suggestions as to the mystery light would be a great help. Thanks.

dj norecords
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