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Old 02-11-2003, 03:47 PM
4bidn 4bidn is offline
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Post '87 Bird dumping oil into air filter

I have a 87 bird with a 6 cyl in it. I am currently having problems with it dumping oil(and possibly gas) into the air filter. I have tried some stuff to stop it, but have currently ran out of ideas. Anyone else have any ideas? Any suggestions would be helpful. I love birds and really dont want to have to get rid of the car as I cant afford any major work(new engine). I myself am not a mechanic, but my dad has done work to it. The car has 92k on it right now. The sensor that dumps the gas into the carbeurator was just replaced. The cats had some work done to them. Head gasket was replaced. That was done when I bought the car though, becuase someone put a front wheel drive water pump on the car. Other then that it took some minor stuff. It runs good... just have to keep a eye on the oil and filter. Any ideas on how to resolve the problem would be greatly appreciated. :)

It may be a 6 but it I love it! and would love to have a 87-88 TC with a 5.0 turbo in it one day.
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