Thread: Carb:
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Old 04-11-2003, 07:23 PM
nomadbird nomadbird is offline
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Traverse City, Mi. USA
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nomadbird is on a distinguished road

Had only one experience with a rebuild by Holley. My friends' car was ready to be loaded on the trailer to take it to a National show 1800 miles away. We installed the newly "show restored" carb. Started the engine and the thing hemorrhaged gas out of the secondary bowl. Besides making a mess of the show detailed engine, we couldn't cure the problem then & there. Never been inclined to give them a second chance.

More recently, I've had two experiences with Pony Carburetors.

The first experience was a full show restored (replated etc.) that was a beautiful work of art that needed no adjustments whatsoever to operate perfectly on the car.
Last year I used them again. Installed the carb and it seemed to be running rich here at sea level. Chose to ignore the problem. Took the car on a 1700 mile tour and was I sorry! At high altitude (8000 ft +) you couldn't touch the accelerator without smelling raw gas. That was the only time I got single digit gas mileage in a Bird.
There is a year warranty on the rebuild and It's going back when I get "aroundtuit".

The part that frosts my cookies the most is that even though a vendor stands behind their work; good ol' UPS nails you for another $15-$40 every time you walk through their door.

I guess after all is said and done; Pony Carburetors would be my choice. The fact you're only a few hundred miles from them will preclude you from spending a fortune on freight.

Tom D.
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