turbo kits?


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keep checkin ebay - I see them a lot on there and for cheap $$$

Crazy about them square birds - don't know why - just love em - a rollin piece of art work is what they are.
Originally posted by juiceadocious:
<STRONG>i got an 87 t-bird turbocoupe, and im looking for a turbo kit. any sites out there that u guys know of?</STRONG>

Places like PT Turbochargers www.turbocharged.com sell both rebuild kits and new turbos. Also Tiny Avenger, www.tinyavenger.com, which is pretty popular with a lot of TC owners might be able to help. (Disclaimer: I have not bought anything from either place so I can not vouch for either of these companies. I just know they sell parts for our cars.)

As Paul said, ebay is also a good place to find used turbos.
Start Rant

They make turbo kits for a factory turbo charged car? I know they make turbo and intercooler upgrades. I'd make a poke about 2 other sites that would be perfect but reading prior posts, the moderators don't like this.

End Rant