78 T-bird--any specs, any info please


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Jun 13, 2003
north carolina
Does anyone know where to find diagrams of the engine, wiring, heating, air conditioning, etc.? This is my mom's backup car. We have no books on this and can't find any. My 2 nieces fought over the heating/air conditioning switch and broke it. Now the heat nor the air will come on. Does anyone know of any info on this? Thanks for your help!

What I did when I faced your problem was buy a set of 1978 Ford Car service manuals off Ebay. They were cheap, and they're invaluable! Now, they don't have too many complete vacuum and electrical diagrams, but for assembly, dissasembly, and service instructions, they're very good. They also have every service spec you're likely to want.

Hope this helps!

hello shadetree.

what diagrams do you need specifically. i have the factory service diagram manual and am willing to scan and send you what you need as long as it isnt the entire manual! hehehehe
is it the main slider control that broke, or the fan switch?


[ 09-13-2003: Message edited by: Gearworks ]
I found out that a Haynes manual for this car has a very good wiring diagram and you can get those from any chain parts stores for less than 20 bucks. It also tells vital torque specs and walks through steps in doing certain procedures very well. I learned how to wrench out of one with my dad's 73 F-250 back when I was 13! While they aren't as in depth as factory shop manuals, they're a lot easier and cheaper to get. I hope this helps you out.
