The engine and c6 trans are originally from a '69 TBird. 10.5 comp, c9heads (72cc) 360hp. It's currently in a '78 TBird. Stock convertor (1,800?), 3.25 in the rear, car weighs about 4,100lbs.
It has some idle problems. I thought it could be carb. so I put a friends Holley 750 dp that works good, and it did not change the idle problems. I currently have a Holley 750 vac. sec. The engine does runs a little better once it's warmed up, but until then, I have to keep reving it past 1,500 or it stumbles and dies (like its choking). Once it's warmed up I keep idle at about 1,000rpm, and it still stalls when I put it into drive unless I keep giving it gas. Some say it might be the stock convertor that's too tight. I have adjust. rockers, and I think they may be too tight and not closing properly (runs better once warmed up). They don't tick or anything. Compression test showed 169 on all eight, what do you think? I plan on taking the valve covers off and readjusting them ( one rocker at a time just like Comp Cams web advice for cold valve adj.). Dist. Mallory unilte vac, and Holley Anihilator box are both new. Timing is about 14 init, and 34 total, carb rebuilt, no vac leaks, vac 10-12in. I can't think of anything else that can be wrong.
Look forward to any advice!!!!!
It has some idle problems. I thought it could be carb. so I put a friends Holley 750 dp that works good, and it did not change the idle problems. I currently have a Holley 750 vac. sec. The engine does runs a little better once it's warmed up, but until then, I have to keep reving it past 1,500 or it stumbles and dies (like its choking). Once it's warmed up I keep idle at about 1,000rpm, and it still stalls when I put it into drive unless I keep giving it gas. Some say it might be the stock convertor that's too tight. I have adjust. rockers, and I think they may be too tight and not closing properly (runs better once warmed up). They don't tick or anything. Compression test showed 169 on all eight, what do you think? I plan on taking the valve covers off and readjusting them ( one rocker at a time just like Comp Cams web advice for cold valve adj.). Dist. Mallory unilte vac, and Holley Anihilator box are both new. Timing is about 14 init, and 34 total, carb rebuilt, no vac leaks, vac 10-12in. I can't think of anything else that can be wrong.
Look forward to any advice!!!!!