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Old 05-02-2003, 11:22 AM
429Thunderbird 429Thunderbird is offline
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Location: Toronto, Ont. CANADA
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I'm still trying to solve this *#@% problem! (read the entire message for full details)

I put my Holley 750 vac back on yesterday and one again tried to get her running right. I disconnected and plugged all vacuum lines except brake booster and dist. I set init timing to 16deg which gives me about 36deg at idle. I pulled all spark plugs out and they looked good (greyish colour). Spark plugs are Motorcraft BSF42C. I regapped them all to .055. No difference. I did another compression test and came up with the following:

#1 - 230 #2 - 230 #3 - 235 #4 - 235
#5 - 235 #6 - 240 #7 - 230 #8 - 220

Much different then I previously reported. Can't explain why other than I was relying on memory before.

I sprayed carb cleaner all around the intake, carb, vacuum ports, and everywhere else and no change!

Also is it normal to have some vacuum vapour/mist coming out of the breather tube. The pvc valve was not connected at the time (checking for leaks). It was enough to that you could see it. I've never seen oil deposits in the air cleaner.

After all this the car runs the same. Get it to ide at 1000rpm nice and smooth then as soon as I put in D I chugs and sputters and stalls unless I give it more gas.

Any other suggestions? Am I missing something? Would changing the jets in my carb help?

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