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  #2 (permalink)   IP:
Old 04-17-2003, 02:22 AM
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Gearworks Gearworks is offline
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my friend you have a GIANT vaccuum leak in the intake system somewhere! Places to start looking would be:

1) Power Brake Booster line, and or the fitting in the booster itself

2) Possibly the main vaccuum feed for the headlight system. (however you would hear an audible hissing from under the dash)

3) Intake gaskets?

The leak you're looking for is on the manifold side of the vaccuum system. A carbureted side leak will not cause these problems. The way to tell which side the hose is on, is simple. A manifold vaccuum signal is a hose that is plugged into the carb BELOW the throttle blade centerline. (Ie. Power brake booster, PCV valve, etc.)A carb'd vaccuum signal comes from anything else ABOVE that centerline. (ie Distributor vaccuum advance, A/C dashpot, etc.)

You might find it easier by spraying carb cleaner around the areas in question. If the carb cleaner is Flammable the engine speed should pick up briefly, if it's non flammable the engine should slow briefly

Just check EVERYTHING with a vaccuum hose.
And please let me know what you find!

The Gearworks
Prostreet 1979 Ttop 1997 Limited Edition
Questions? -- [email protected]
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