460 doesn't want it's oil.


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Dec 7, 2001
My car when first started will burn a little oil but then when I get out and look at the tail pipe, unburned oil is coming out the exhaust. It comes out in drops and only does this until the engine is warm. Does anybody else have this problem? Any guesses as to what causes this?

78' Lincoln Towncar 460/C6
Personally, I would say it would be your rings if it's dripping out of the exhaust, but I've never heard of it stopping when the engine warms up. Anyway, my suggestion is that you get a complete rebuild on your engine.
No problem. What part of Missouri are you from? I just moved back here from North Carolina. That reminds me, I need to edit my profile on here. LOL How far away are you from Jonesburg?
youve got problems bigger than rings. Think about it. Theres NO way for UNBURNED oil to get into the exhaust. And if it only smokes when you fire it, its most likely valve seals leaking while the engines off. If it was rings it would smoke all the time, ESPECIALLY under load or when youre hammering on her!
Oh man, this keeps getting better. I do have a little hope though. When I bought the car, I didn't notice this problem. I noticed the problem after an oil change in which I used sythentic. Since I have recently drained all the oil an replaced it with Motorcraft 10W30, I'll hope it doesn't leak any more. I'll let you guys know.

Another thing you might want to try is the Valvoline in the RED bottle designed specifically for older engines. It has been used once in a personal car and several times in customer cars, with great success! It has an additive that "Reconditions seals" to help stop leaks. (Thats a corporate way to say it swells the seals choking off a leak!)

Good Luck, And may the 'bird fly forever! :)
LOL Yeah, and right now Advanced Auto Parts are having a sale on that particular brand (at least here, anyway). It's called Valvoline Max Life. It's only about $2 dollars a quart after tax. Anyway, the sale works like this: Make a five dollar purchase or more, and get a free quart of Valvoline Max Life per visit with the coupon. You can get the coupon inside Advanced Auto Parts.