I'm afraid that our cars did *not* all come with saginaw boxes... most in fact came with the cheapo knock off ford boxes... the difference between the two boxes are marked, not the least of which being that the ford box is split down the center rather than around the top, so there is no good way to set clearance on the ford box...
The boxes are different, especially from the outside. Simply put, the ford box has a ford oval cast in the top of it, wheras the saginaw doesn't (I think there's an 's' on it, but I'm not certain). As for the internals, judging from how different the adjustments are on the two boxes, I can't imagine that they'd have the same guts, but I've been wrong in the past...
Now, what are you saying about the older ford steering pump? Do the fittings interchange? What cars could you find that steering pump on?