Sorry - been away for a week. The clips (I had 7 on the 57) fit lined up with the small chrome tabs on the top chrome rear edge with the point of the clip facing forward. The clips snap into the two windshild weatherstrip retainers at the outside top of the windshild and then you snap down on the top of the frame toward the rear. I think the 56 calls for screws through those tabs into the frame but I had no holes in my frame. The clips should be tight enough to slide into the chrome from the ends into place and stay put during installation. You must have the buttom chrome (mirror/sunvisors etc.) off the car before you attack the top chrome. Let me know if that helped! Your winshild and retainers should be frimly in place first before you attack the chrome.
[ 02-05-2003: Message edited by: Ts & As ]