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Old 10-28-2001, 09:55 PM
Whatahoot Whatahoot is offline
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Hermiston Or.
Posts: 7
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Whatahoot is on a distinguished road

I fixed the problem. Here’s the story: I pulled the manifold expecting to replace the lifters. Well I pulled the manifold, and ripped the cork seals, sadly. When inspecting the lifters and nothing was appeared to look odd, I tried to compress the lifter, and couldn’t! I had the push rod (which had was the valve giving me trouble) measured with another. It happened to be 1/16th of an inch bigger, so I replaced it with a new one, and slapped it back together. I started it up and, the problem wasn’t fixed. My stomach flipped backwards. I revved it up and the ticking noise went away, but when it came to an idle it hardly would run, but the ticking was still gone. I pulled the valve cover off once again to find I had a piece of the valve lock, and the exhaust stem cap, lying in the bottom. I felt a little better know this was the problem. I put some rope in the piston, and turned the engine over enough to hold the valve up tight. Then compressed the spring and took off the last lock clip. Then replaced them. I put it all back together. (By the way I pulled the sparkplugs turn the engine backwards with my hand). It fired up like nothing I’ve ever seen before, it sat there and purred. The engine stopped turning from side to side, and idled beautifully. Thanks Paul for your help.
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