1979 T-bird just wont charge battery


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Tim S.

New member
Dec 17, 2002
I'm at the end of my rope! I've tried every thing and nothing seems to work, the charging system in my 79 t-bird just won't charge the battery.
Heres what I've done.
NEW alternator and belt
NEW battery
checked and cleaned connections between alternator and battery,and voltage regulator
NEW voltage regulator
removed all fuses from fuse box
dissconnected all electrical items (power seat,radio.ect)
checked fusible links under hood.
It's strange the old voltage regulator Overcharged the battery while the new ones show an undercharge.
No matter what I do I always get 12.30 volts across the batery terminals instead of the 14-15v
Anybody haave any Ideas?
I've always had around 11.5-12.5 volts across the batteries in all of my cars. At the alternator is where you're supposed to have around 14.x volts. What kind of actual problems are you having? (i.e.: won't start, won't crank, battery goes dead overnight, etc...)

You are right. You should be looking for 14+ volts at the battery. (Rick:you should not lose 2 volts between alternator and battery.) Have you by-passed the voltage regulator to see what the alternator will put out? Do you have that very unique alternator I've heard about on the '79's?
try this. in the harness there is a light green with a red stripe wire. this wire is the "trigger" wire for the ignition. if it doesnt "go hot" when the engine starts, no matter what you do, the alternator will not charge!. try running a separate wire from a SWITCHED hot in the fuse box to the "I" terminal on your regulator. if this cures your charging problem the factory wire is broken.

[ 01-12-2003: Message edited by: Gearworks ]