77 T-Bird Color Schemes


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New member
Aug 2, 2001
Kansas City
Just bought a '77. Runs perfect, no rust or dents ($200!).

I want to paint the car and have been searching for what color schemes the car originally came in, but have had no luck. The car is now solid white with a white, all metal top.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
wow, you beat my price. i gave 250 for mine, and drove it home.

as for color schemes, you should check with our moderator; thunderbird alley. i have been to his wedsite, and he seems to have alot of that information.

Originally posted by gumby:
wow, you beat my price. i gave 250 for mine, and drove it home.

I would've glady paid the extra $50 for your Landau with t-tops. Nice find.

Thanks for the link. That at least gets me going in the right direction.

May we both be driving killer classic cars this time next year. (;
hey, glad i could help.

keep me updated on your ride. im lookin for more t-birders to talk with, but it seems as though we are the only two here!!

know any other (read more active) boards for 77-79 birds?

Hi Gumby,
As you have noted, there are too few participants on this Discussion Forum. If we could get the word out to all the folks who used to visit the now defunct Classic Car Collector site, we would have a bigger,better site than we had before. Personally, I prefer the way this site is formatted. It seems much easier to use. If any of you guys have E-Mail addresses of folks from the old CCC site, let'em know about this one. Another thought; I think the ITC (International Thunderbird Club) was hosted by the old site that folded. If any ITC members could spread the word via your newsletters and club magazine, that should get this new site hopping. Although I have owned a '77 since new, my main area of interest is the '55-'57 models. It seems that the first generation Bird owners don't want to talk to each other until they really have BIG problems.
Let's make it work! Tom
yeah i prefer this setup also, for a message board. there is a ranger site the i frequent(since i also own and modify a 97 ranger) that is set up this same way. and we have over 1200 registered users!!!

let me know anything i can do to try and help move this place along.

Thanks for thinking about boosting site membership - I try to maintain a low profile and absorb all of the costs myself. I just want to have a place where bird heads can talk about what they like.

Crazy about them square birds - don't know why - just love em - a rollin piece of art work is what they are.
Don't know if this will help. Looking at the 77 Thunderbird brochure from Ford. Page 2 car is Polar White (code 9D) with two piece red vinyl roof and red interior. Our 77 TB is brown with brown roof and interior.

Dark Jade Metallic (code 46)
Dark Brown Metallic (code 5Q)
Dove Grey (code 1N) pic is grey, w grey roof and interior
Unfortunately there is no cross reference as to what colour combos you could have, just a reference to go see the dealer.
