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  #4 (permalink)   IP:
Old 01-17-2002, 03:24 PM
2-77s, 1-85, 2-86 TCs 2-77s, 1-85, 2-86 TCs is offline
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2-77s, 1-85, 2-86 TCs is on a distinguished road

To be honest with you, I've never adjusted a back up light switch, but I'll find out how. As far as where it's located, it should be screwed into the transmission, even for a column shift, but I'm gonna check that out for you, too.

Now, for the starting problem. Check your coil to see if it's bad. Also, check the condensor. It's a 2 or 3 dollar part and it's right next to the coil (looks like a little cylinder) and it has one wire coming out of it. I've had it happen before, but it IS very rare that it goes bad.
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