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Dec 14, 2001
Well we bought the 75 T-Bird. Now we are havng some electrical problems. Also, something I did not notice due to the excitement of getting the car, talk about feeling stupid, someone changed out the 4bbl carb and put in a 2bbl. Saves on gas but would really like to put a 4bbl back in.

Ok to the electrical stuff. Anyone know why the B/U light, turn signals and Brake lights would quit working pretty much in that order in a matter of about a day and half??? All fuses have been checked as well as in line fuses. Really hate doing steering column work but any suggestions would be appreciated. Also when it got inspected to pass state they rolled down the window now it will not go back up, any way to bypass the switch until I can get ones that work. It rolls down but will not roll up. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
As far as the turn signal lights go, check the flasher unit, it might have gone out. The backup lights could be an adjustment of the backup light switch. The brake lights could be a switch or the wires that plug in right in front of the master cylinder/booster. Now, as far as the window goes, are you sure it's the switch? Did you do a test to see if you are getting voltage in and out of the switch?
Rick thanks for the advice. The flasher was replaced but still nothing. Where would the back-up light switch be and what adjustments? I am new to all of this, have done some shade-tree mechanic work before but nothing like this.
Good news though I was able to get the windows to roll up, apparently it is not grounding correctly when you switch to roll up, but does ground correctly to roll down. Had to sacafice two sets of Aligator clip wires and a circuit tester to find all of that out.
Now it is cranking but not starting. I am pulling the plugs tommorrow. The disritbutor was cleaned already. guess will just have test starting parts one by one. Again thanks for the advice. And any other advice you can give on this would be appreciated.
To be honest with you, I've never adjusted a back up light switch, but I'll find out how. As far as where it's located, it should be screwed into the transmission, even for a column shift, but I'm gonna check that out for you, too.

Now, for the starting problem. Check your coil to see if it's bad. Also, check the condensor. It's a 2 or 3 dollar part and it's right next to the coil (looks like a little cylinder) and it has one wire coming out of it. I've had it happen before, but it IS very rare that it goes bad.
Quick Test:

Just clamp timing light on each of the plug wires. crank engine 2-3 seconds for each wire.

If none of the wires light up the timing light : See that the coil is getting 12v with Ignition key in ON position.

If coil is getting 12v: With Ign Key ON, A 12v test light must light up on both sides of the points when you manually push the points closed.

If 12v both sides of points, replace the condenser.

If still doesn't fire, whose been messing with the point gap ( Dwell) or timing ?

All of the above assumes: You have GAS !
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