Need carb choice advice

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Jun 4, 2002
Great Falls, MT
I have a '61 T-Bird with a '66 C6ME-A block (most likely a 390, but will check crank eventually) and original '61 "dressings" (at least the carb and accessories). As far as I know it's stock but since the engine was swapped anything is possible.
Anyway, I'm going to replace my factory carb. I have 2 options I'm looking at, and I need your help deciding. This car is my daily driver, and I want a definite performance boost but not at the expense of driveability. I'm looking at the Holley 4160, #80457S, with electric choke, vac secondaries, 600 cfm. For about $60 more I can get a Holley 4150, 650 cfm, vac secondaries, elec choke, #80783C. Like I said, I'd like that performance boost, so I'm inclined to go with the double-pumper for the extra 50 cfm and the added secondary tunability, since $60 more isn't too bad. What I would like to know is will it bolt on to my car just as easily? It's got an auto, should my factory kickdown linkage bolt on? Will the HP boost be noticeable, or not worth $60? Similarly, will the gas mileage drop be as noticeable too? Finally, since I live in Montana and this is my daily driver, will either carb cause me any sort of cold-starting problems?
Thanks for your advice. I think I finally have it narrowed down, just help me make the last decision...
I just got started with a 65' original. It' like yours has had some work done at various stages but it appears that it's all original mechanicaly. After sitting for 5 years and having about 1 gallon of gas in it at all times (long story)the fuel system was in trouble. I replaced the tank, lines, and carb since I want a daily driver as well. I used a Holley 675 cfm "Avenger". It's a single pumper however. Only real installation problem was the fuel feed is on the other side. We had to wire the electric choke into the fuse panel. But the kick down and assorted vacum connections work fine. Some of the original clips need to be changed or modified as well. Approx. 2 hrs work. At the Holley web site if you use their calculator the car should not run anything above 600 cfm. I will say that it looks like mine will need some smaller jets to smooth out the idle and improve cold running (it want to stall until it warms up). Electric choke works fine. Hope this was some help.
I just got started with a 65' original. It' like yours has had some work done at various stages but it appears that it's all original mechanicaly. After sitting for 5 years and having about 1 gallon of gas in it at all times (long story)the fuel system was in trouble. I replaced the tank, lines, and carb since I want a daily driver as well. I used a Holley 675 cfm "Avenger". It's a single pumper however. Only real installation problem was the fuel feed is on the other side. We had to wire the electric choke into the fuse panel. But the kick down and assorted vacum connections work fine. Some of the original clips need to be changed or modified as well. Approx. 2 hrs work. At the Holley web site if you use their calculator the car should not run anything above 600 cfm. It looks like the stock Holley is about 500cfm. I will say that it looks like mine will need some smaller jets to smooth out the idle and improve cold running (it want to stall until it warms up). Electric choke works fine. Hope this was some help.
The best chioce for a dailey driver would be the vacumn secondaries. It is more forgiving at different speeds and road conditions.
once the choke is set properly should have no trouble with cold starting. the timing of the accelerator pump and squirters can be changed for better performance and reliabilty.
good luck
Darrel...I have 61 conv.Installed holley #80457s with elec. choke.This was a good choice. 600 cfm is sufficent. Gas feed is on driver side .Just reroute tubeing, installing clearview fuel filter,#720-9747 ,holley 90 deg. banjo inlet brass fitting. I made wire jumper to go from elec. choke to coil.As per another reply on line going to fuse box might be safer way , but this is what i did & it works fine. Good luck DAN